Truck & Plant On-Demand Insurance

A global insurtech first for commercial vehicles and plant machinery

Never waste another insurance premium on cover you don’t need. Switch to our innovative on-demand insurance cover uniquely designed for the civil, construction and transport industries.

Truck & Plant On-Demand allows you to only pay for cover when you need it and to change your cover based on your business operations at any given time. It’s all in your control.

 Whether you’re an owner-run small business, a construction company, or one of the biggest fleet operators on the road, we offer cover tailored to your needs.


How it works

With Truck & Plant On-Demand you have full control of your insurance cover. You choose what you want to insure, when you want to insure it, and how you want to insure it. We understand your industry and need for cover to change as your business needs do.

Our offering was created on the simple premise that you shouldn’t have to pay the same premium every month, when the cover you need isn’t always the same.


Truck & Plant On-Demand Insurance

A global insurtech first for commercial vehicles and plant machinery

Never waste another insurance premium on cover you don’t need. Switch to our innovative on-demand insurance cover uniquely designed for the civil, construction and transport industries.

Truck & Plant On-Demand allows you to only pay for cover when you need it and to change your cover based on your business operations at any given time. It’s all in your control.

 Whether you’re an owner-run small business, a construction company, or one of the biggest fleet operators on the road, we offer cover tailored to your needs.


How it works

With Truck & Plant On-Demand you have full control of your insurance cover. You choose what you want to insure, when you want to insure it, and how you want to insure it. We understand your industry and need for cover to change as your business needs do.

Our offering was created on the simple premise that you shouldn’t have to pay the same premium every month, when the cover you need isn’t always the same.


If your fleet is out on the road or in the garage, your risk profile changes – and so too should your insurance premiums. Similarly, if your construction machinery (plant) is on-site for a project, or in storage, you can now pay for your cover on-demand – and significantly reduce your insurance costs without compromising your cover. Our cover ranges from Comprehensive Cover for when you’re fully operational or just Fire and Theft Cover if your assets aren’t in use.


Efficient service

We have a national network of the best Auto Body Repairers available at any given time to ensure quick and efficient repairs to vehicles or machinery. We will authorise claims within 48 hours of receiving all necessary documentation and the assessor’s report.


No-fuss cover

We keep it simple – no need to identify regular drivers or limiting cover to a specific pool of drivers or operators.


What we cover

Truck & Plant On-Demand offers a comprehensive range of insurance products for all types of commercial operations. We’re always available to discuss your unique needs and can tailor our cover for your unique business.

Commercial Vehicle Insurance

We offer the full spectrum insurance including heavy commercial vehicles (HCVs), trucks and trailers, as well as light delivery vehicles (LDVs) commonly referred to as ‘bakkies’. Our cover includes recovery, non-accident towing, windscreen damage, and roadside assistance.

Plant All Risk Insurance

Covers for loss of, or damage to, construction plant and equipment whilst in storage, transit, on the contract site or when in use as a tool of trade.

Light Duty Vehicles

Your Light Duty Vehicles, Pickup Trucks, and “Bakkies” are working hard for your business during the week. While safely parked away during their time-off, and often over weekends, you have the power to adjust the cover on your Light Duty Vehicles based on their circumstances. That means you benefit from comprehensive cover as and when you need it. For the first time in history, you can also automate this process through our integrated telematics solutions which automatically adjust your cover according to your needs.

Tool Hire

Power tools, small plants, equipment, and machinery can now be insured with our comprehensive On-Demand cover. We provide adjustable cover for all types and sizes of tools and equipment with the advantage of short-period cover, as and when you need it. This service is available for end users and Tool Hire companies, where our latest technology seamlessly integrates with any Tool Rental Software to provide you with on-demand cover like never before.

Other available insurance products

  • Goods in Transit
  • Environmental spillage and clean-up
  • Excess Buy down,
  • Downtime Cover,
  • Group Personal Accident,
  • Contactors All Risk Liability,
  • Machinery Breakdown,
  • Loss of profit due to Machinery Breakdown,
  • Commercial and Domestic Insurance,
  • Travel Insurance,
  • Employment Practice Liability cover,
  • General Liability,
  • Directors Liability Insurance,
  • Professional Indemnity

Don’t see the cover you need? Chat to our team about your specific insurance needs.

Territories covered

Truck & Plant On-Demand cover extends all over South Africa and to our neighbouring countries: Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Mozambique, Swaziland, and extended to Malawi. On request, we can extend our cover further.

What we cover

Truck & Plant On-Demand offers a comprehensive range of insurance products for all types of commercial operations. We’re always available to discuss your unique needs and can tailor our cover for your unique business.

Commercial Vehicle Insurance

We offer the full spectrum insurance including heavy commercial vehicles (HCVs), trucks and trailers, as well as light delivery vehicles (LDVs) commonly referred to as ‘bakkies’. Our cover includes recovery, non-accident towing, windscreen damage, and roadside assistance.

Plant All Risk Insurance

Covers for loss of, or damage to, construction plant and equipment whilst in storage, transit, on the contract site or when in use as a tool of trade.

Light Duty Vehicles

Your Light Duty Vehicles, Pickup Trucks, and “Bakkies” are working hard for your business during the week. While safely parked away during their time-off, and often over weekends, you have the power to adjust the cover on your Light Duty Vehicles based on their circumstances. That means you benefit from comprehensive cover as and when you need it. For the first time in history, you can also automate this process through our integrated telematics solutions which automatically adjust your cover according to your needs.

Tool Hire

Power tools, small plants, equipment, and machinery can now be insured with our comprehensive On-Demand cover. We provide adjustable cover for all types and sizes of tools and equipment with the advantage of short-period cover, as and when you need it. This service is available for end users and Tool Hire companies, where our latest technology seamlessly integrates with any Tool Rental Software to provide you with on-demand cover like never before.

Other available insurance products

  • Goods in Transit
  • Environmental spillage and clean-up
  • Excess Buy down,
  • Downtime Cover,
  • Group Personal Accident,
  • Contactors All Risk Liability,
  • Machinery Breakdown,
  • Loss of profit due to Machinery Breakdown,
  • Commercial and Domestic Insurance,
  • Travel Insurance,
  • Employment Practice Liability cover,
  • General Liability,
  • Directors Liability Insurance,
  • Professional Indemnity

Don’t see the cover you need? Chat to our team about your specific insurance needs.

Territories covered

Truck & Plant On-Demand cover extends all over South Africa and to our neighbouring countries: Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Mozambique, Swaziland, and extended to Malawi. On request, we can extend our cover further.

Our promise to you


As a service provider to the industries that are the backbone of the South African economy, Truck & Plant On-Demand is committed to delivering the highest level of customer service and delivery. You can put us to the test on any of the following promises:



Competitive premiums



Simple and easy to understand policy wording



Policy requirements explained on request, ensuring cover matches your needs



Low but suitable excess structures



Giving you the opportunity to choose your preferred auto body repairer



Authorise claims in 48-hours once all required documentation and/or assessor’s report is received



Inclusion of towing costs and benefits within our premiums

Simple claims process

We’ve made our claims process as simple as possible. Our top priority is to keep down time to a minimum to reduce the impact on your business. We do our best to authorise repairs within 48 hours of receiving all necessary documentation and/or the assessor’s report.

Claims are lodged directly on our web portal and a Claims Assistant will be assigned to guide you through the process and give you the support you need to have your claim speedily resolved.

How to claim

By understanding and following these processes, we can ensure your business is back up and running as soon as possible:

  1. Lodge a claim on the Web Portal
  2. Immediately call 0861 869 464 for HCV, Trailer and LDVs or 0861 086 000 for Plant to ensure you do not incur towing fees.
  3. Within 24 hours report the accident to the police and obtain a police case number.
  4. Get the details of all third parties, including:
    • Vehicle Registration Number and
    • Driver's name and
    • Driver's identity number and
    • Vehicle owner's name and
    • Vehicle owner's phone number and
    • Insurance details and policy number
  1. Get the vehicle towed to the nearest place of safety.
  1. Within 24 hours report the accident to the police and obtain a police case number.
  2. Report loss to us within 7 days.
  3. Lodge a claim on the Web Portal.
  1. Forward the fully completed claim form at your earliest convenience.
  2. Take photographs of the damaged areas of the vehicle or machine.
  3. Forward police case number.
  4. Submit repair quotation.
  5. Provide legible and clear copies of:
    • Drivers Licence and
    • Professional Drivers Permit (PrDP) or
    • Operator’s Licence Card and
    • Certificate of Fitness (CoF) and
    • Driver or operator’s accident statement and
    • Any internal movement / transport report (if applicable).
  1. Reasons for holding you liable in writing.
  2. Copy of drivers licence and I.D.
  3. 3 x Quotations
  4. Photographs in confirmation of damages to vehicle or asset damaged.
  5. Proof of their banking details.
  6. Confirmation/affidavit declaring that they will not be claiming from their policy or that they are uninsured.
  7. Fully completed claim form.

Market Value is the amount you will be paid out and is stipulated in the monthly changing Trans Union Auto Dealers Guide or in the case of Plant, the average market value obtained from the dealer. The stipulated amount will be paid out plus extras, less the applicable excess, for example:

Settlement on a total loss of 2007 Mercedes Benz 2535 LS/39 Axor 2 c/c T/T, chosen to be insured on an ongoing basis and forms part of other items insured.


Example current Market Value

Value of Extras at Market Value

R 683 650

R 65 950

Applicable Excess A sum or a percentage due to value, whichever the greater.  In this scenario: R20 000 but not less than 10%
Value settlement R 749 600 less 10%, seeing that is the greater, R74 960 thus R 674 640.


Settlement on a total loss of 2007 Mercedes Benz 2535 LS/39 Axor 2 c/c T/T, chosen to be insured on a short period and does not form part of other items insured.


Example current Market Value

Value of Extras at Market Value

R 683 650

R 65 950

Applicable Excess A sum or a percentage due to value whichever the greater and in addition less than annual premium.  In this scenario: R20 000 or 10% whichever the greater and in addition, the annual premium too
Value settlement R 749 600 less 10% of value, seeing that is the greater than the minimum excess calculation and in addition, the annual premium too, in this scenario calculated at 4% thus R 644 656

Do you need a broker?

The short answer is ‘yes’. Whether you’re a florist with a bakkie, a sand and stone transporter, a civil contractor, or have a whole fleet of heavy commercial vehicles, we are required to appoint an insurance broker. You want to protect your business against the unexpected and a broker acts in your best interest and only to your advantage.

Insurance brokers are invaluable in the personal support of client – often after hours. By working together with a broker, as an insurer, we’re able to more effectively process claims from beginning to end – which is to everyone’s advantage.

Get the right cover for you

Insurance is a grudge purchase, we all know it. But in the moment when you need it, having the right cover affords immense relief and peace of mind. The guidance of a broker is vital in assisting you to get the right protection for the assets that are most important to you and your business.

Why use a broker?

  • Get objective insurance expertise and benefit from their depth of experience
  • They understand and assess your risk, then look for the best options suited to your needs
  • They take the time to build long-term relationships and fully understand your business
  • They’re highly qualified and will provide you with excellent advice
  • You can stay focused on your business while they take care of your insurance needs
  • They’re always on your side

Find the right broker


Do you need a broker?

The short answer is ‘yes’. Whether you’re a florist with a bakkie, a sand and stone transporter, a civil contractor, or have a whole fleet of heavy commercial vehicles, we are required to appoint an insurance broker. You want to protect your business against the unexpected and a broker acts in your best interest and only to your advantage.

Insurance brokers are invaluable in the personal support of client – often after hours. By working together with a broker, as an insurer, we’re able to more effectively process claims from beginning to end – which is to everyone’s advantage.

Get the right cover for you

Insurance is a grudge purchase, we all know it. But in the moment when you need it, having the right cover affords immense relief and peace of mind. The guidance of a broker is vital in assisting you to get the right protection for the assets that are most important to you and your business.

Why use a broker?

  • Get objective insurance expertise and benefit from their depth of experience
  • They understand and assess your risk, then look for the best options suited to your needs
  • They take the time to build long-term relationships and fully understand your business
  • They’re highly qualified and will provide you with excellent advice
  • You can stay focused on your business while they take care of your insurance needs
  • They’re always on your side

Find the right broker


The Financial Intermediaries Association

The FIA represents approximately 2000 qualified brokers in South Africa, ready to assist your every need.



United Global Brokers


If you require cover abroad, use this resource to find a broker.





Become a partner

Our technology,
Your insurance solution

Comprehensive insurance to protect your fleet,
but on your terms

Fill in the form below and one of our agents will be in touch to discuss your needs

    The Financial Intermediaries Association

    The FIA represents approximately 2000 qualified brokers in South Africa, ready to assist your every need.



    United Global Brokers


    If you require cover abroad, use this resource to find a broker.





    Become a partner

    Our technology,
    Your insurance solution

    Comprehensive insurance to protect your fleet,
    but on your terms

    Fill in the form below and one of our agents will be in touch to discuss your needs